Saturday, November 17, 2018

Are Kind Kids Cool?

Social media showed a young motor scooter rider risking his life to stop the traffic behind him in order to let an elderly woman with a cane cross a busy street.

      Coty-owned cosmetic company, Rimmel, found a partner to help the one in four women aged 16 to 25 in ten countries who experienced cyberbullying and the nearly half of those who began harming themselves. While not a perfect solution, Rimmel began directing customers to the Cybersmile Foundation's website, which, according to, guides users to local resources and organizations that offer help to those attacked by cyberbullies.

     National Geographic's website claims helping others satisfies a basic human desire to feel good about oneself. At, there are ideas for what children can do when they see others being bullied.

     Japan, a country with one of the highest densities of robots in the world, 303 to 10,000 industrial employees according to The Economist magazine (Nov. 10, 2018), found robots do not satisfy customers in department stores, beauty salons, hotels, and restaurants.

     Studies show robots could replace half of Japan's workers in 20 years. But will the driverless vehicles Japan plans to employ during the 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympics stop to help a lost tourist or a man with a walker who has fallen in the street? Social media reported bus drivers, without any prompting or promise of reward, performed both services in the last couple of weeks.

     Are kids cool if they seek out and sit with lonely kids in school lunchrooms? (See the earlier post, "Overcome Lunch Table Loneliness.") They are to everyone in the world who ever has needed a little help and received it from a friend or stranger.

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