Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Apply Now for Summer Opportunities

It's easy for students to miss out on summer opportunities, because deadlines are early in the year. My granddaughter has spent two summers in a science lab at the University of Wisconsin, because she attended an informational session, obtained teacher recommendations, and submitted the required application before February. Besides summer programs offered by colleges and universities, summer foreign travel/study tours, and summer acting/dance classes also have early deadlines.

     Girls ages 16 and 17 on June 1, 2017 have an excellent example of summer opportunities available to them, if they apply before January 31, 2017. The University of Alaska Fairbanks College of Natural Science and Mathematics and the International Arctic Research Center offer three FREE summer expeditions designed to combine scientific field studies with glaciologists and oceanographers, art, critical thinking, and mountaineering or kayaking.

  • Girls on Ice Alaska explore an Alaskan glacier June 16-27, 2017. Program is open to girls 16 and 17 from Alaska, the Pacific Northwest, British Columbia, the Yukon, and California. 
  • Girls on Ice Cascades explore Mount Baker, an ice-covered volcano in Washington State. Program is open to girls 16 and 17 in all countries.
  • Girls in Icy Fjords explore Bear Glacier, the marine environment in a fjord near Seward, Alaska, and learn to kayak August 11-22, 2017. Program is open to girls 16 and 17 in all countries.
For more information and the application process, go to At, you also can sign up to be added to a mailing list that alerts girls to other programs besides Arctic expeditions.

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