Tuesday, December 6, 2016

What Can Unemployed People Do?

Concern about technological unemployment from AI, robots, sensors, and the like has led to dire observations. In the factory of the future, there only will be two non-machines, a person and a dog, and it will be the dog's task to keep the person away from the machines. In other words, let's prepare for the future by making a list of what unemployed people around the world can do.

1. Do nothing.

Although unemployed, most people still have their physical abilities.

2. Improve athletic abilities by practicing to become a professional athlete

3. Take whatever risky, possibly illegal, demeaning, poor paying job is available

4. Make and repair things from found objects

5. Sell or demand ransom for what they take by force from those who have something of value

Use brain power to study the economic environment and prepare to join it.

6. Learn to develop software

7. Learn how the stock market works and invest

8. Become a supplier to those who are making money: Manufacture robots, identify global exporters and become one of their suppliers, grow produce, operate a food truck, provide leisure entertainment by arranging tours, design websites, teach, invent, provide promotional/marketing expertise, write a story/song/play, provide spiritual guidance--------------------------------------------------------------------

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