Friday, December 9, 2016

Change: How to do it

Whether it's trying to open borders for refugees, to urge professional societies to develop guidelines for new medical technologies, or to train a cat to stop chewing the furniture, some of the principles marketers use when introducing a new product can be helpful, especially when making New Year's resolutions.

1. The new has to have many advantages over the old. You'll be able to wear more attractive clothes and live longer, if you eat better and move more.

2. Demonstrate the advantages of the new. Show how a cat with a new scratching post will prefer that to chewing the furniture.

3. The new is easy to use. Professional medical societies already exist and have conferences and meetings already scheduled, where guidelines and standards can be discussed and codified.

4. Minimize risks.
     a) Financial risk. No refugee can enter a country unless he/she proves a home and job are waiting.
     b) Physical risk. Driving with seat belts, getting enough sleep, and not texting will save your life. How will consumers feel about driverless cars?
     c) Psychological risk: No one will laugh at you for studying or working out, if you do it without any of your friends or relatives seeing you. It's also wise not to tell anyone you've made the decision to start your own business, join the priesthood, become a police officer, etc.

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