Sunday, February 7, 2021

Yin and Yang; Ox and Spacecraft

Valentine's Day nestles between the beginning of the Chinese, or Lunar, New Year of the Ox on February 12, 2021, and the landing of NASA's "Perseverance" rover in the Jezero Crater on Mars February 18, 2021. Fittingly, their interacting negative and positive yin and yang forces both propel mankind forward. According to Chinese, Korean and Japanese folklore, the ox is an earthbound symbol of hard work and patience, plowing a fertile field free of flooding to produce a good harvest. For a visit to Mars, the legendary ox might provide nourishment to help the enginers at NASA's Jet Propulson Lab in Pasadena, California, design and assemble the 3000 parts in "Perseverance." In the minus 76-degree temperature on Mars, "Perseverance" also needs nuclear batteries and solar energy to power the rover's three little arms that scoop up and shuttle soil and rock samples back and forth between Mars and NASA's spacecraft. As a special feature, "Perseverance" will carry and drop a little, 4-pound helicopter drone named "Ingenuity" on Mars, where it took off on April 19, 2021 and flew around to explore the red planet. Plowing a field and exploring the universe both rely on the yin and yang forces of hard work and perseverance.

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