Monday, February 1, 2021

Job Hunt Clues for Recent Grads

Current surveys indicate business activity is expected to rebound in the third quarter of 2021, and recruiteers expect to begin hiring this spring. Therefore, now is the time for optimism and for focusing on a job hunt. Not long ago, Bill Gates gave an interview telling how he would answer typical job interview questions. What impressed me most was the way he tailored his responses to match the kind of position he wanted with the kind of person a company wanted to hire. In response to what always is a tricky question about salary expectations, Mr. Gates suggested expressing interest in the entire package: not only an entry salary, but, in his case, stock options. He felt stock options would indicate his interest in helping a company grow. Asking about opportunities for advancement or corporate compensation for graduate school might also indicate attractive qualifies for companies that value ambition. Nowadays, some companies and organizations include their mission statements and employee benefits on their websites. In other words, you can learn if your expectations fit company objectives. At the same time, if a company is not union-friendly and does not offer flex time, childcare, transfers to other States/countries or the virtual work options you want, there's no point in asking for them in an employment package. Both students about to graduate this spring and those who were graduated a year ago need to put a positive spin on their experiences. Organizations that have mastered the challenges of remote, virtual work are likely to continue working this way, at least in part. They will value those who have spent the past year taking virtual classes, handling technical problems themselves and developing effective communication techniques to keep in touch with professors, other students and administrators. On the other hand, graduates who had their career plans dashed when everything shut down last March, have an opportunity to impress potential employers with their willingness to learn, flexibility and how well they are able to adapt to new trends in today's fast-paced business climate. Therefore, be ready to describe how you switched from what you expected to be doing by finding other employment, volunteering, working in unusual protetive garments, reading books on diverse subjects, writing a blog, joining and becoming active in a professional association, helping younger siblings/neighbors with their virtual learning experience or starting your own online business. Sometimes the question of why a firm should hire you is asked in another way: what are the strengths and weaknesses you bring to an organization? Bill Gates said he would give examples of his self motivation and how he liked to work on big problems and set ambitious goals. He also said it was important to maintain a pleasant expression that shows you can convey your opinions, listen to others and keep your temper while working with a team. Knowing what you want and like to do prevents an employer from putting you in a job you'll hate. When describing weaknesses, for example, say, given your choice, you'd prefer not to do the same thing every day, not to work alone with few opportunities to interact with others, not to perform tasks requiring fine hand work or lifting heavy objects. A white, female friend of mine was asked in a job interview if the company should hire a more diverse work force. She responded by asking, "How do you expect me to answer that question?" She was hired. It's not possible to anticipate every job interview question. Before responding, take a moment to hope for inspiration.

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