Thursday, March 30, 2017

Golden Bridges to Peace

Military strategy suggests it is far better to give an enemy a "golden bridge" that permits retreat or saving face rather than to back an enemy into a corner, where the only option is an all out battle.

     Students might begin by suggesting "golden bridges" they could offer bullies and move on to identify a country's enemies and offer suggestions of "golden bridges," i.e. desirable options, that are better than open warfare between two countries. Using Bill Clinton to open a back door channel of communication with North Vietnam might be a useful gambit; he was involved in a past mission there.

     U.S.-China relations began to improve with a ping pong match between the two countries. Could a basketball game improve relations between the United States and the basketball-loving North Koreans?  With partners who are performers and an interest in visiting Japan's Disneyland, the ruling family clearly is interested in the entertainment field. Could a "golden bridge" be created by using North Korea as a movie location? Far-fetched? An Israeli Labor Party election was postponed, because it was scheduled on the same day as a Britney Spears concert, reports TIME magazine (April 24, 2017).

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