Thursday, March 16, 2017

A Fork in the Road to the Future

How should children be prepared to handle the next 70 or 80 years of their lives? Or 40-year-olds to handle their next 40 years?

The site, that has spotters all over the world, found people have looked at current conditions:

  • immigration
  • refugee crisis
  • job automation
  • depressed wages
  • uneven recovery
  • generational divide
  • racial divide
  • fear of terrorism
and sorted themselves into two groups:

  • Global citizens open to an interconnected world, where people learn to understand their changing relationships to neighborhoods, cities, and nations
  • Nation nurturers who seek comfort in the familiar
Dealing with change, especially rapid change, is not easy. It is understandable that some want to wall themselves off from foreigners; to pretend technology is going to slow down and manufacturing jobs, as we have known them, are going to return; to listen only to broadcasts that agree with them; and to cling to traditional families where a man works and an uneducated woman stays at home with the children.  But you only need look at one example of the future -  shopping malls and stores empty of consumers of all kinds who have switched over to ordering their needs and wants online - to see change is impossible to escape. (Could these empty stores be converted to on-going world fairs where "shoppers" could go to experience and learn new technologies?)

Like it or not, children are going to live in a world of global citizens. Parents and teachers need to prepare to help them feel at home there. 

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