Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Hot Topics Presidential Candidates Should Debate

Since tonight is the last presidential debate between the U.S. candidates for President, I turned to the Foreign Policy Association to see what Clinton and Trump should be discussing on TV today.
The topics the organization has selected for their Great Decisions program in 2017 are as follows:

  • The Future of Europe
  • Trade and Politics
  • Conflict on the South China Sea
  • Saudi Arabia in Transition
  • U.S. Foreign Policy and Petroleum
  • Latin America's Political Pendulum
  • Prospects for Afghanistan and Pakistan
  • Nuclear Security
Experts have written short summaries for each of these discussion topics at At the same site, you can sign up to receive Foreign Policy Association updates and to learn how to start a Great Decisions discussion group.

Looking back on the Foreign Policy Association's past discussion topics, such as the rise of ISIS, international migration, and Cuba and the United States, suggests this organization has useful insights on issues the world is likely to face in 2017.

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