Thursday, February 18, 2016

The Next War?

Throw out traditional texts on military strategy, if you count cyberwarfare which already has begun and the war envisioned by the February, 2016 Munich Security Conference.

   The Munich Conference expects future wars will engage killer robots with GPS guidance systems, facial-recognition technology, and artificial intelligence that wouldn't get tired, scared, or hungry and wouldn't retreat. Some suggest these robots would be less dangerous and more precise than land mines or nuclear bombs.

      But others warn that the same hackers who can alter data in electrical grids, hospitals, and financial markets could disrupt what military robots will do. Also, hackers could disrupt the so-called Internet of Things (IoT): cars, elevators, thermostats, refrigerators and other appliances that are directed by smart chips. For example, they could turn the IoT into spies on enemies.

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