Thursday, February 11, 2016

Front-Runners for UN Secretary-General

Considerations for choosing a new UN Secretary-General before Ban Ki-Moon's term ends this year:

  • Eastern Europe has never been represented in this position
  • A woman has never been the UN's Secretary-General
  • All permanent UN members (US, UK, France, Russia, and China) have to agree on the nominee
  • He/she has to have the support of his/her country

  • Irina Bokova from Bulgaria
  • Vuk Jeremic from Serbia
  • Danilo Turk from Slovenia
  • Vesna Pusic from Croatia
Others who have shown interest:
  • Helen Clark from New Zealand
  • Natalia Gherman from Moldova
  • Antonio Guterres from Portugal: Chosen by Security Council members Oct. 6, 2016 
  • Srgjan Kerim from Macedonia
  • Igo Luksic from Montenegro

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