Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Word Games Lead to Reading Fun

Daniel Willingham, a professor of psychology at the University of Virginia, suggests introducing kids to the fun of making new words by combining names. A child named Oleg and an adult named Boris can combine to be Oloris. Billy and Pat become Bat.

     In his book, Raising Kids Who Read, Willingham notes kids will think reading is fun when their early books include rhymes. Think Dr. Seuss and Mother Goose nursery rhymes. And, if they see adults and older siblings reading, they will want to imitate them.

     Let kids know this is a classroom of students or a family that likes to read, because we like to learn (and share) new things, says Willingham. Strategically place books where kids will see them when they're bored.

     Also see earlier posts dealing with reading: "How Do You Get Boys to Read (about the World)?" "Travel the World with Summer Reading," and "A Winter's Tale."

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