Wednesday, March 4, 2015

New York's Schools Close for Muslim Holy Days and Chinese New Year

How can you show students the importance of respecting each other's religious beliefs and national celebrations?

     Beginning in the 2015-2016 school year, New York City will add free days to its public school calendar for Muslim holy days and the Chinese New Year. By making Eid al-Adha (September 24, 2015) and Eid al-Fitr, which occurs during summer school, free days, the new calendar recognizes the size of NYC's Muslim population. Almost one million and nearly 10% of New York City's public school population are Muslim.

     New York City joins U.S. school districts in Vermont, Massachusetts, and New Jersey, which already close to observe Muslim holy days.

(Religion also is the topic of earlier blog posts, "Respect the Faith" and "This We Believe.")

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