Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Super International Jokes

On Super Bowl (U.S. football) Sunday, I'm reminded of the joke about the announcer who gave the ball scores but failed to tell what teams were involved in the 14-3, 21-10, 59-0 wins.

     Kids might like the following jokes attributed to countries around the world:

What do Japanese parents tell their children? You're allergic to bees. Only get A's on tests.

What does the Loch Ness monster eat? Fish and ships.

In Dublin an Irishman asks Paddy the quickest way to Cork.
 Paddy says, "Are you on foot or in a car?"
The Irishman says, "In a car."
Paddy responds, "That's the quickest way."

Why do Argentinians look up to the sky every time there is a lightning flash?
They think God is taking their picture.

What is the fastest country in the world? Russia.

And from THE OATMEAL website:
Who is a penguin's favorite relative:
His/her Aunt Arctica.

(Hope no one is offended by these jokes.)

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