Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Q is QAnon's Practical Joker

Q, a practical joker on the TV show, "Impractical Jokers", is fun. QAnon is mumbo jumbo. According to QAnon, Q is so named, because he or she is a miitary or intelligence official with high level classified Q clearance to see nuclear material/weapon information, and QAnon's followers have been described as Christians striving to learn and apply biblical truths. They are certain they have foreknowledge of the inevitable Great Awakening when good destroys evil. Yet, the NEW TESTAMENT, in Mark 13:31-33, says "Heaven and earth will pass away...But of that day or hour, no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." When faced with inconvenient truths, QAnon's supporters bob and weave to deflect objective truth and reason with ever-changing explanations. QAnon followers see President Trump and themselves, a band of US patriots, fighting to bring down the "deep state" of powerful elite leaders in a cabal of corrupt media, government and education, financial and religious institutions. For QAnon's devoted band, signs from on high provide clues to the future. Maybe the name of the horse that wins Saturday's Kentucky Derby will be significant. They already see the death toll from the coronavirus as giving the media elites a way to hurt President Trump (known as Q+) and his chance of re-election. To believers, President Trump is not part of the Establishment. Conspiracies appeal to QAnon: - A New World Order is trying to dismantale societies throughout the world. - Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton ran a ritualistic children's sex ring in the basement of a pizza place in Washington. - Hillary Clinton and Barack Obamatha have a 16-year plan to destroy the US with draught, disease and nuclear war. QAnon tells followers to "Enjoy the show," the forthcoming global Armegeddon. Some scared followers alleviate their paranoia about the certain good versus evil clash by joining the secret community that expects to be on the winning side of good. Since others are willing to participate in the battle to destroy evil schemes and individuals, such as Hillary Clinton, the FBI classifies ANon as a domestic terrorist threat.

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