Thursday, June 25, 2020

Sky-based Networks Aid Earth-bound Travel and National Security

For centuries, wise men and ship captains have relied on stars to guide their way. When China's Long March 3B Rocket launched a final satellite from the Xichang Satellite Center on June 23, 2021, the completed BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) became a new network in the artificial skies mentioned in an earlier post. Besides serving China, the BDS is expected to court customers along China's Belt and Road Initiative project throughout Asia and Africa. Earlier, the European Union had allowed China to use its Galileo network of navigational satellites even though China was not an EU member. Once China learned what it could about a satellite system, it went off on its own. A short time later, the UK announced, on July 3, 2020, it would join with Bharti Global, India's mobile network operator, to fund a $1 billion purchase of the bankrupt OneWeb startup that had invested $3.4 billion in its satellite project. With satellites manufactured in Florida, Arianespace had helped launch 74 satellites out of a planned 650 for OneWeb. As of November, 2020, the government of the UK and India's Bharti Global own OneWeb, including its 74 satellites already in space. A Russian Soyuz rocket is scheduled to launch another 36 onconnect nearly all of the Earth's land and sea surfaces. December 17, 2020. Bharti Global's 425 million customers in India demonstrate the commercial and operational expertise that company brings to OneWeb's ultimate connection with nearly all of the Earth's land and sea surfaces. Nowadays, satellite constellation networks represent more than aids for travel, navigation, port traffic, sea rescues and precision timing, they offer broadband internet communication across the world, and they are an essential national security asset.

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