Saturday, August 4, 2018

Plant Flowers, Help Bees

To bees, a sweeping lawn, parks, and golf courses look like deserts, writes Thor Hanson in Buzz: The Nature and Necessity of Bees. Without pollen from flowers, bees cannot survive and neither can people without the pollination bees provide for many food crops. Of the 20,000 different species of wild bees, some 40% are in decline or threatened with extinction. Domestic bees suffer from lost habitat, parasites, pesticides, and diseases picked up when transferred from farm to farm.

After "colony collapse" began to cause hive losses, dangers to bees and ways to help them often have been covered in previous posts:

  • Bumble Bees Have Special Needs
  • Don't Take Food for Granted
  • World's Food Supply Needs Bees and Bees Need Help
  • Be Kind to Bees
  • The Bees and the Birds

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