Sunday, July 15, 2018

Out-of-this-world App Helps Kids Behave

Shortly after reading about three factors that contribute to a kid's bad behavior, mentioned in The Good News About Bad Behavior by Katherine Reynolds Lewis, I learned about the Space Nation Navigator smartphone app. The book and app go together. Lewis claims a child's bad behavior is related to:
  • less play time,
  • more social media exposure,
  • fewer confidence-boosting real world connections, including household chores.
Finnish-based Space Nation (, a space tourism startup, collaborated with NASA to develop a real life astronaut training app for smartphones. Before downloading Space Nation Navigator, you can preview some of the activities at To help develop astronaut skills, new missions and minigames are updated daily. Quizzes help kids discover the science that enables astronauts to travel in space, and physical challenges prepare students to endure space travel.

     Space Nation participants enter a global competition to earn badges and prizes, including the grand prize: a trip for four to the moonlike scenery in Iceland, where Apollo astronauts trained. Eventually, the Space Nation Astronaut Program aims to launch one candidate into space every year.

     For other space-related activities for kids, see the earlier post, "Space Explorers."

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