Saturday, May 26, 2018

Travel Tip Reminders

Even though airlines are allowed to offer short times to make connections with different flights, travel experts recommend allowing  two hours between domestic flight connections and three hours to make connections with international flights.

A US friend who broke a foot in Spain found out Medicare does not cover medical expenses outside the US.

Since poachers use social media photo tags to locate rare animals, safari travelers are advised to disable geotag functions on smartphones.

Might be a good idea to discourage a culture of begging by not handing out cash or goods while on vacation.

On a trip to a park where wild animals run free, stay in vehicles. Don't get out to take pictures like one visitor who was saved from attack when a friend called out to tell her a bear was approaching.

Be aware of surroundings when taking all photos. On trips, I've seen someone back up without noticing he was getting too close to the edge of a cliff, a giant wave knock down and swamp a couple, and a child about to step off a board walk into a volcano's flowing lava.

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