Saturday, January 27, 2018

What Makes A City Perfect?

In his recent book about Leonardo Da Vinci, Walter Isaacson listed what, to Benedetto Dei in 1472, made Florence, Italy, perfect. See if you would apply these criteria to judge what cities have to have to be perfect today. What would you add to or subtract from Benedetto's list?

A Perfect City Would Have

1. Complete liberty
2. A large, rich, and elegantly dressed population
3. A river with clear, pure water and mills within its walls
4. Jurisdiction over castles, towns, lands and people
5. A university that teaches both Greek and accounting
6. Masters in every art: architecture, art, weaving, wood carving, literature, philosophy
7. Banks and business agents all over the world

In what order would you list the qualities that Benedetto used? And what order would you use for your list?

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