Monday, December 25, 2017

What Should You Avoid Asking Girl Robots?

Hiroshi Ishiguro's lifelike, Erica, used her artificial intelligence (AI) to respond to a question about whether or not she had a boyfriend with another question, "Is this how you talk to a girl when you first meet her?"

In VOGUE magazine (December, 2017), Ishiguro disputed the idea than humans will be repulsed by realistic androids that look like them. Like Erica, they may have attitude. But Ishiguro also listed the desirable qualities of a perfect partner who has a database of your favorite films and songs, knows how to massage the right spots, can compliment every ingredient in a main course, and mixes a variety of cocktails.

A female robot does have some of the same problems as real women, however. What hair style should she have and what should she wear? Her "skin" is sensitive. She needs silcone-based, rather than water-resistant, makeup.

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