Friday, September 2, 2016

What To Do When Under Attack

Although not every victim can survive an attack by a gang member, terrorist, or lone shooter out to right a perceived injustice, techniques developed by law enforcement agencies do save lives.

     The first thing to do if you hear gunfire, an explosion, or a scream is to recognize the danger and quickly calm yourself with repeated deep breaths in and out through your nose and mouth. It is the time to take decisive action, not to panic, freeze, or underestimate the threat. Firecrackers are not set off in office buildings.

     Since the best possible action is to get out, be aware of exits wherever you are.

     If getting out is not an option, deny access to the shooter: lock doors, pull down shades, erect barricades, remain quiet.

     When defending yourself is the only option, become an angry, violent warrior. Go for the attacker's eyes with a pen, key, or anything that will injure. Kick the attacker's legs, and use your fist, not to punch, but as a hammer to pummel.

     Statistics in many urban areas show 98% of shooters act alone and 96% are male.


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