Monday, March 7, 2016

Humor Paves the Way for Refugees

     Transplanted from Syria to Germany, Firas Alshater is a humorous YouTube sensation who has attracted about 2.5 million views. Standing blindfolded on a Berlin street corner, it took an hour and a half for a German to respond to his sign asking for a hug. No worries. He said integration will work; it just takes a bit more time.

     Actually, Firas explained that you can teach yourself to hate anything, even an adorable kitty.

     He showed a dog and cat who had a language problem. When the dog wagged its tail, the cat thought it wanted to fight. When the cat purred, the dog expected a fight.

     On the other hand, Firas showed how a heavily tattooed, right wing protester couldn't help but shake hands with a cute refugee baby in Dresden.

     In Syria, Firas Alshater made films unless, as he reports, he was in prison for making films. Hounded by the Assad regime and Isis, he moved to Germany to work for the Filmbit production company two and a half years ago and decided to stay where he was welcome.




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