Friday, October 9, 2015

Who Are Your Country's Super Heroes?

Judging from their popularity in comics, graphic novels, and movies, young people love super heroes. Can they match the following countries with some of their super heroes?

_____A. Mahatma Gandhi launched a program of civil          1. Pakistan
               disobedience that led to independence.

_____B. Bishop Desmond Tutu called for Western                 2. Poland
               nations to apply sanctions that led to an end
               of apartheid, i.e. segregation of blacks into
               separate homelands and other indignities.

_____C. Malala Yousafzai won a Nobel Peace Prize              3. Turkey
               for urging all countries to educate their
               girls and women.

_____D. Fidel Castro assembled a Communist                       4. France
               guerrilla band that caused the country's
               corrupt dictator, Fulgencio Batista, to flee.

_____E. Dorothy Day was commended by Pope Frances       5. Myanmar/Burma
              as a champion of workers and the poor.

_____F. Lech Walesa organized the Solidarity                       6. Cuba
              trade union that began the movement
              that ousted the Soviet Union from Eastern

_____G. Aung San Suu Kyi, known as "The Lady,"               7. India
               who received a Nobel Peace Prize for
               keeping democracy alive in the face of a
               military regime takeover.

_____H. Mao Zedang, leader of the "Long March" away       8. United States of America
               from rivals, who returned to lead the country in
               1949 and to try rapid economic development
               through a program called the "Great Leap

_____I. Mustafa Kemal, who took the name Kemal                9. South Africa
             Ataturk and was elected president in 1923,
             established the country as a secular republic
             after hundreds of years as part of a Muslim

_____J. Charles de Gaulle led the country's                           10. China
              government-in-exile until World War II
              ended and he could return to be elected

Answers can be found at the end of the earlier post, "What Moscow Could Learn from History."

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