Sunday, September 20, 2015

Why Is the Pope Going to Philadelphia?

Pope Francis will attend the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia. He has nothing in common with the aristocratic slave owner who wrote the Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia, but he agrees with the essence of what Thomas Jefferson wrote in 1776. That is, people are entitled to "the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them...."

     Specifically, to what rights are people entitled? Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. For Pope Francis, the pursuit of happiness goes beyond searching for gratification or escape with sex, drugs, or alcohol. The pursuit extends all the way to the eternal happiness of heaven. And what is heaven? No one knows for sure, but I believe it was St. Frances of Assisi, Pope Frances's namesake, who posited heaven could be like the Garden of Eden before Adam and Eve gave into Satan's temptation. Could be. When I lived in Hawaii, I often heard people refer to the natural beauty of the islands as "a little piece of Paradise." When, in the Pope's recent encyclical, Laudato Si, he asks individuals and countries to make changes needed to protect the environment, perhaps he is inviting us to find a bit of heaven on earth.

     In any case, Philadelphia will be for the Pope, as it has been for the many who have visited the city since 1776, a reminder that governments are instituted to secure the rights God has endowed on all people. After the Declaration of Independence listed the ways government by the King of Great Britain failed to secure basic human rights, delegates again met in Philadelphia in 1787 to write the Constitution. Not satisfied that the Constitution sufficiently safeguarded individual rights, a Bill of Rights, the first ten Amendments to the Constitution, was added in 1791. When the United Nations, which Pope Francis addresses September 25, 2015, was founded after World War II, it adopted a similar Declaration of Human Rights to promote respect for human rights and basic freedoms for people all over the world.

     Does God see countries with secure borders? It seems He sees people with secure rights, the way Thomas Jefferson did in 1776 and the way Pope Frances does in 2015.





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