Tuesday, September 22, 2015

What Moscow Could Learn from History

After college, a friend of mine, who had studied the Russian language, traveled to Moscow. When she visited again fifty years later, she raved about the changes and couldn't wait to show me photos of modern life there. What seems to be happening in Russia today is a grim throwback to yesteryear from which students who wonder why they should study history, as well as world leaders, can learn.

     Russian President, Vladimir Putin, and his oligarchs, who have accumulated great wealth, are a new monarchy that thrives on corruption. Rather than recognize how corruption undermines public support for a government, as China has by prosecuting officials who use their positions for private gain, Moscow has revived a climate of fear and terror to keep its population in check. Dare to confront government lies, as Anna Politkovskaya and Boris Nemtsov did, and you are assassinated. Run Open Russia, an online video operation that informs scattered dissidents of opposition protests, and you suddenly collapse in your office, possibly from poisoning. Blog criticism of the regime and your younger brother, Oleg Navalny, is sentenced to three and a half years in a Russian penal colony. Return from doing Putin's dirty work fighting in Ukraine, and your weapons are confiscated at the border. How long can Moscow keep a lid on a public upheaval? Nicholas II thought, forever.

     By just looking at a map, a young student would expect the vast expanse of Russia to be an economic power house compared to the islands of Japan. Instead, falling oil prices have exposed Russia's less diversified economy which contracted 3.7% in 2015. Oil prices that were expected to improve after an OPEC meeting failed to materialize and remain below $50 a barrel in 2017. When countries, such as Russia and North Korea, focus exclusively on the military, space, and cyber technology, the rest of the economy suffers. Destroy their military and what would they have left to make them a great power? Once Japan and Germany were defeated in World War II, these countries did not make this mistake.

    With nationalism pinned to advanced military weaponry, Moscow has flexed its non-economic strength and expansionary vision in Georgia, Ukraine and now Syria. TIME magazine in October, 2016 recalled the 2013 manifesto of the chief of the Russian general staff, Valery Gerasimov, who wrote, "A perfectly thriving state can, in a matter of months and even days, be transformed into an arena of fierce armed conflict through political, economic, informational, humanitarian and other nonmilitary measures applied in coordination with the protest potential of the population." Apparently Putin assumes such attacks can be directed only from Russia rather than toward Russia as well. In any case, military demonstrations of power and cyber attacks do nothing to correct Moscow's biggest problem, a failing economy. Sanctions imposed on Russia after its Crimea takeover and low oil prices continue.

     Migrants have fled Syria the way Russians abandoned ground when Napoleon's army marched on Moscow in 1812. To the victor will belong a shell of Syria or the realization that two hundred years later a country's power rests, not only on military strength, but on a strong diversified economy and an ability to negotiate a just and lasting peace in the world.

      To this latter end,  U.S. President Barack Obama and Russian President Putin agreed to meet at the UN on September 28, 2015. Putin expressed a willingness to discuss a joint effort to remove the threat of ISIS in Syria but then sent fighter planes to prop up Syria's regime by bombing rebels attacking a government that has killed, rather than listened to, protesters. However, once Putin determined ISIS had brought down Russian Flight 9268 over the Sinai peninsula in October, 2015, he pivoted to join the US and France to launch a major attack on terrorist forces. However, Moscow again returned to military support for the Syrian government. In August, 2016, Tehran showed its displeasure, when Moscow bragged about using bases in Iran to bomb Syria, by canceling an agreement permitting such raids. After Russia destroyed a convoy carrying supplies to Syrians during a failed ceasefire, the US broke off talks with Moscow regarding Syria.


Answers to post about super heroes in certain countries: A-7, B-9, C-1, D-6, E-8, F-2, G-5, H-10, I-3, J-4.


Sunday, September 20, 2015

Why Is the Pope Going to Philadelphia?

Pope Francis will attend the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia. He has nothing in common with the aristocratic slave owner who wrote the Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia, but he agrees with the essence of what Thomas Jefferson wrote in 1776. That is, people are entitled to "the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them...."

     Specifically, to what rights are people entitled? Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. For Pope Francis, the pursuit of happiness goes beyond searching for gratification or escape with sex, drugs, or alcohol. The pursuit extends all the way to the eternal happiness of heaven. And what is heaven? No one knows for sure, but I believe it was St. Frances of Assisi, Pope Frances's namesake, who posited heaven could be like the Garden of Eden before Adam and Eve gave into Satan's temptation. Could be. When I lived in Hawaii, I often heard people refer to the natural beauty of the islands as "a little piece of Paradise." When, in the Pope's recent encyclical, Laudato Si, he asks individuals and countries to make changes needed to protect the environment, perhaps he is inviting us to find a bit of heaven on earth.

     In any case, Philadelphia will be for the Pope, as it has been for the many who have visited the city since 1776, a reminder that governments are instituted to secure the rights God has endowed on all people. After the Declaration of Independence listed the ways government by the King of Great Britain failed to secure basic human rights, delegates again met in Philadelphia in 1787 to write the Constitution. Not satisfied that the Constitution sufficiently safeguarded individual rights, a Bill of Rights, the first ten Amendments to the Constitution, was added in 1791. When the United Nations, which Pope Francis addresses September 25, 2015, was founded after World War II, it adopted a similar Declaration of Human Rights to promote respect for human rights and basic freedoms for people all over the world.

     Does God see countries with secure borders? It seems He sees people with secure rights, the way Thomas Jefferson did in 1776 and the way Pope Frances does in 2015.





Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Falling Commodity Prices Spur Diversification in Emerging Markets

Commodity exporting countries that have depended on the Chinese market have been hard hit by the slide in China's economy. Zambia, for example, relies on copper exports to China, which consumes 40% of the mineral's global output, for 70% of its foreign exchange earnings and 25 to 30% of its government revenue. Like Nigeria, which has depended on petroleum exports that are declining in value, Zambia sees a new need for economic diversification.

Check out countries heavily dependent on commodity exports:

  • Bauxite: Indonesia, Jamaica, Brazil
  • Chromite: South Africa, Zimbabwe, Albania
  • Coal: Indonesia
  • Cobalt: Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Copper: Chile, Kazakhstan, Zambia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Peru
  • Iron Ore: Brazil
  • Lithium: Argentina, Chile, Bolivia
  • Manganese: South Africa, Gabon, Brazil, Ghana
  • Molybenum: Romania, Chile
  • Nickel: (Indonesia banned exports to China), New Caledonia, Madagascar
  • Petroleum: Saudi Arabia, Algeria, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela, Nigeria
  • Platinum: South Africa
  • Tin: Indonesia, Myanmar
  • Tungsten: Myanmar, Bolivia
  • Uranium: South Africa, Namibia, Niger, Kazakhstan
  • Vanadium: South Africa
  • Zinc: Peru, like Australia, has cut production and jobs 

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Can Small Farms End Poverty?

Before performers, men, women and young people gather, at the Global Citizen Festival in New York City's Central Park on September 26, for the purpose of ending extreme poverty, let's look at a few of the factors contributing to world hunger. Silo thinking, where everyone focuses on their own problems and solutions, is undermining the need to feed and employ people, provide export revenue from agriculture, and protect the environment.

     Small farms provide employment that prevents a country's rural population from flocking to urban areas that are not ready to provide sufficient jobs, sanitation, housing, transportation, and education. David Hoyle, deputy director of ProForest has pointed out how small farms would benefit from governments willing to engage in land-use planning. What governments need to do is designate specific areas where: 1) villagers can farm and live, 2) concessions are leased to large scale export producers of, for example, palm oil and timber, and 3) forested areas needed to sop up greenhouse gases are protected. Water use planning to prevent pollution and supply sufficient water for sanitation, cooking, and crops is also necessary.

     Without land-use planning, plantations governments are counting on to provide agricultural export revenue are in constant competition and conflict with local farmers. Moreover, plantation owners need government help to provide the housing and sanitation facilities, schools, and clinics that are a constant source of complaints by the laborers they employ.

     Countries have tried to coordinate local production and crop exports by providing villagers with fertilizer, seeds, technical assistance, and credit. In exchange, under contract state-owned enterprises buy, at fixed prices, what the farmers produce. As earlier posts for Nigeria, coffee, and cocoa reveal, this process has been financially unsuccessful to both governments and small growers. Modifications have led governments to provide farmers with vouchers they can use to buy their own supplies, and private companies or coops have taken over the task of buying commodities from farmers.

     Chemical companies in a position to perform research for the precision farming that provides seeds, fertilizer, herbicides, and pesticides adapted to local soil and climate conditions in global areas of extreme poverty now concentrate their efforts on profitable corn, soybean, and cotton crops important to American agriculture, not, for example, cassava, which feeds the poor in sub-Saharan Africa.

     Instead of engineering crops to provide added vitamins and minerals to first world consumers, in areas of extreme poverty the same objective could be achieved by introducing small farmers to new crops they could plant and bring to their local markets. Not only would a greater variety of produce improve nutrition, but crop rotation could improve soils and increase a farmer's income. Farmers might save money by controlling weeds with mulch rather than chemicals, and they may even be able to make additional money by using weeds to weave baskets (see baskets for sale at serrv.org) or make bio-fuel.

(Farming topics also are covered in the earlier posts, "World (Food) Expo, Hybrid Crops & New Farming Practices" and "Back to the Land.")