Saturday, December 27, 2014

Recycled Fashion Firsts

Protagonists in  Gone With the Wind, Sound of Music, and Enchanted all knew how to conserve the world's resources by converting draperies into dresses. has identified seven of 2014's top designers who have done something similar to these heroines. Their creative ideas are:

  • Pleather, leather-looking jewelry and clothes made from inner tubes
  • Jewelry made from the fence that imprisoned Nelson Mandela in South Africa
  • Jewelry made from Detroit's peeling graffiti
  • Leather waste woven into laptop and tablet sleeves
  • Denim woven into seats for camper chairs
  • Pine needles from discarded Christmas trees made into French designer lingerie
  • Rubbish from the United Kingdom made into sneakers. 
All items are on display and described at the website.

     Just as leather and denim were cut into strips and woven into new products, cut old ties from thrift shops or dad's closet into strips and weave them into squares, sew two together, leave one side open to stuff, sew up that side, and make a pillow. Or make a cat toy by filling a smaller pillow with crunchy wax  paper or aluminum foil. Look around the house to see if you can find a moth damaged sweater you can unravel to make a ball of yarn that an adult can show you how to knit into a dog sweater or a skirt for a Barbie doll.

     See earlier blog posts, "Good Works Multiply Fast" and "I Made This Myself" for other recycling ideas that will conserve the world's resources.

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