Friday, November 28, 2014

Food Photo: Memorable or Meager?

A local newspaper just ran a contest inviting readers to send in pictures of food in order to win tickets to shows and restaurants. An organization in Colombia had a related, but different, idea. To inspire people to give to its "Meal For Share" campaign, the group posted photos of frugal, often disgusting, meals that poor people eat to survive.

     Incidentally, hunger is not limited to any one place in the world. In the past month, 9% of the 11,979 U.S. adults who responded to an online survey (which missed those too poor to have online access at home) by Zogby Analytics ( said they had gone without food for 24 hours because of lack of money.

     Once you see someone digging through a dumpster or dump to make a meal out of scraps, carefully styled and lighted food photos become a reminder to make a contribution to organizations that feed the world's hungry. One food blogger reports that she uses salad forks and dainty appetizer spoons in her pictures, because she doesn't want regular-sized flatware to overpower the colorful servings shown on her tasteful aqua plates. Poor people are just happy to grow what they need or earn enough money to feed their families.

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