Monday, October 28, 2013

The Write Help

Similar to the way Kids for Kids uses children's art from India to raise money for children's causes there (See the earlier post, "Global Drawing Power.") CAB (Conversations Across Borders) Magazine publishes fiction, nonfiction, and poetry by an international roster of authors to fund international schools and literacy projects.

Recipients can use CAB Magazine donations any way they want. Grand Ntumwa school in Uganda bought school supplies and paid teacher salaries. An orphanage for Kenyan children who lost parents to AIDS is using CAB Magazine money to build a high school

Diverse authors express various points of view. Bolivian author, Daniela Cortes del Castillo, contributed a story about a girl who outwitted male repression. According to Dennis Vannatta's essay, "we are the sum of our prejudices." Other authors have submitted works from Mexico, Odessa, Honduras, and the United States.

CAB Magazine is a quarterly. Full issues sell for $10; online pieces are $2 each. Information about applying for funds and submitting works is available at

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