Monday, January 18, 2021

Alexei Navalny Arrested on Russian Return

Navalny reminded Russians who will take to the streets to protest his arrest on January 23, 2021, that they are demonstrating not just for him but for themselves. The strength of Navalny's anti-corruption movement derives from its nationalist identity rather than being a construct of the United States or another foreign intervention. As soon as Alexei Navalny returned to Russia on January 17, 2021, after a 5-month recouperation in Germany from Moscow-ordered nerve agent poisoning, he was arrested for violating the terms of a suspended sentence for a questionable offense. Russian President Putin is threatened by public support for Navalny's anti-corruption movement and the size of his YouTube audience. Just as the plane carrying Navalny from Germany was about to land in Moscow, it was diverted to another airport away from the group of supporters waiting to greet him. Back at Vnukovo airport in Moscow, police officers detained Novalny's supporters and associates. Also see earlier posts: "Putin's Private Siberian Project Excludes Alexei Navalny" and "Alexei Navalny's Sudden Siberian Illness."

Monday, January 4, 2021

YooZoo Update on Lin Qi

Following the poisoning death of YooZoo Games studio founder, Lin Qi, by suspect, Xu Yao, head of YooZoo's film production unit, on Christmas Day, 2020, YooZoo's tribute to Mr. Lin received 290 million views on its Weibo microblog. See additional information about this subject on the earlier post, "All Work and No Play Unmakes China."